Driss El-Maloumi

Year: 2023
Director: Carine Zuber
Genre: Live Show


After a series of successful editions in Winterthur, it’s time for the In Guitar Festival to head for new shores. In 2018, the festival will be moving to Zurich’s Moods, where for four days it will be offering a glimpse into the multifaceted world of the guitar: guitarists from all over the world and an oud player will be inviting you on a musical journey ranging from classical to jazz, via oriental music and flamenco.
An oud virtuoso: Driss El Maloumi moves effortlessly between the musical styles of the Mediterranean and the centuries. Accompanied by two percussionists, brother Saïd El Maloumi and Lahoucine Baquir, Maloumi takes his oud into a world where melodies become stories. Driss, equally at home in classical Arab music and jazz, presents a network of gently undulating harmonies and atmospheric rhythms, at the centre of which are the magically sparkling sounds of the oud.

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