
Year: 2023
Director: Larry Ismail, Marie-Laure Blancho, Paul Combaluzier
Genre: Live Show


The inexhaustible energy of the rapper Davinhor conquers the hall of Bâtiment B!

Each of her punchlines is a cry from the heart and her hardcore universe gives a glimpse of the immense rage to win that drives her. After having overcome the wounds of life, the wounds of the past and the wounds of love, the young rapper Davinhor wants, today more than ever, to succeed “whatever the cost”. And it is by chaining freestyles and stage performances, acclaimed by the critics as well as by her peers, that Davinhor has had enough material to propose, in 2022, her first album “Indomptable”, with an incendiary musical style.
There is no doubt that Davinhor is ready to destroy everything in her path for her “never-ending fight”.

The Bâtiment B collection, presented by Oxmo Puccino

Waxed concrete mailboxes, a brand new building hall, an immaculate white staircase, you are with Oxmo Puccino in the Bâtiment B hall.
A beat sounds, Oxmo sits on his staircase and begins a spoken word between rapping moods and praising the guest artists. In a series of live performances, interviews and unpublished features, he and his guests examine the creative process and highlight the links between rap, poetry, pop and… French chanson!

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